Monday 14 November 2022

 My dear, see what hurts you and don't repeat them. When you see them operating in shame and humiliation, don't shame and humiliate. When you see them screaming at others, screaming at you, know how it feels and don't do the same. For I am allowing you to go through that fire and allow that fire to refine you and not to burn you down. For I am not bringing you more than what you can bear. You are My child, and you align firstly with Me. You worship ME and you don't worship them. So, no matter what they do, it is their own doing and they are accountable to Me. Come to Me, let me bind up your wounds. Don't let your heart fester in bitterness. But let those experiences turn into pearls, silver and gold. Remember, you are MINE, you are MINE, you are MINE. They cannot touch you. You decide whether those fire will be able to burn you or not or whether they are going to burn the dirt and rough edges. Remember, you are MINE. 

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