Monday, 20 April 2015

A Public Blog?

Le yums the last time I was in Singapore! A very expensive ice cream.

Lately I have pondered on the possibility of making a public blog... More after the jump!
This one is quite public but I've limited it to not be searched on the internet. So you guys would be the ones who have links to come here and not some random strangers who found this while googling about something.

I don't know. But I will have to think of what I would want to post. It wouldn't be so personal like this one would. I don't really know yet what genre it would be. And then, there's the discipline of posting every week or every how many days. That blog would be something I would want to gather as many readers and followers as possible. That's why it needs some serious thought and much effort as compared to this.

I don't know. With the busy schedule, sometimes it's hard. I still love writing. It's the usual - what am I to write about?

I guess, we'll see. Not too soon I think. We'll see.

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