Wednesday 1 August 2012


I will backpack to Australia. I think I would prefer that much more than coming here to be brought around by people who live here. I am not ungrateful for the people who brought me around it's just that they tend to do things they like in the pace they like instead of mine so instead of bringing me on a tour, it's more of their thing rather than mine. There are a lot of things I missed out on because they are not interested. Which is the downside of all this. Well next time I'll get to go on my own. So, yeah. Still going round visiting places. There are nice people taking me around. Gonna see an ex classmate this Friday. But Australia, feels kinda lifeless. Train so quiet, housing areas so quiet. City also hardly much sounds except for cars moving, people bustling about. Like a story without a climax. Well, dunno.


Poet said...

Quite different from ole' Merlion City, huh?


Ms. Dee said...

Yeah. Quite a contrast. But both have its good parts :) But I'd prefer a bit more company and people and people mixing around, like friendly people in South East Asia :) Oh and everywhere is so flat here. Me no like. Too flat.

Ning Tang said...

Visit Melbourne city swanston street, federation square, and china town on a friday or Saturday night, that's when the city comes 'alive'... Enjoy the rest of your trip! :)