Thursday 26 July 2012

Cold Breeze from Melbie!

Greetings from the cold Melbie! It was quite warm (but still quite cold although I can stand it with jackets and all) since I came here and it seems like I brought the sun with me to the point that when we went up to Mount Buller to see snow, there were not much snow except the top of the mountain. Haha.

Haven't used a laptop to online since I came here. Today is the first time! I wanted to find that website that shows where to go and what are the stuff I can do here. Found this: Open House Melbourne which is an open house for quite a lot of buildings in Melbourne! Glad to have found it! I love looking at buildings and museums and so on. And it is all free. Haha. So I have destinations and parts of Melbie that I can visit and experience now!

Been taken to nearby malls so far and stuff and spent my first 100 dollars in just 4 days =.= Need to budget! So tomorrow another mall, Chadstone, which they say is nice nice nice. Hahaha... There's winter sales so I have been looking. Clothes are not worth it because if I convert, they price is a bit too pricey and not really worth it because I can get cheaper for the same stuff in KL. I bought a pair of good quality boots for AUD$20 and a pair of vintage good quality heels for AUD$15 which I felt were good investments! Will be wearing the boots round the city. Very comfy and boots - great for winter wear! Happy purchases xD But I know I won't buy anymore shoes anymore. AUD$35 = RM120 around that! So yeah, the money left must be used very wisely.

Reconnecting with relatives as well so it has been good. It has been some time since I was with them. An old friend just started contacting me as well so might meet up with him. So far so good I guess. Two weeks left in Melbie. Gonna seize the days here to spend them wisely as well. My paper has been put on hold. Will see if there is possibly any free time to work on it. Might not so have to bermati-matian to finish it when I am back.

So will keep you guys update when I can. Photos, will find a way to post them up. Perhaps via mobile ;) Tootles!

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