Saturday 21 July 2012

Stress b4 travelling

You know, I have this one problem. On the night before travelling especially alone, I'd be very stressed and tried to procrastinate or other words, run away from the things I should be doing. ><

I have not completely run away from what I need to do but I did spent 3+ hours watching my newly found Vampire Diaries series on PPS (which was long lost and unable to be located before). I watched like, 5 episodes?

I daren't face the fact that I have not enough pants for 3 weeks of winter. I have only pants for summer and I am not sure if my legs are winter durable or not. If not I'd happily go round wearing leggings. I have only 1 proper pair of jeans. Sad. I didn't get to finish my scarf to be brought there. I wonder if it can help keep me from cold anyway since it has so many big holes. It is like a big lacey patterned scarf. But I kinda was hoping to have this red red scarf to don myself. Hardly have any chance to wear a scarf here.

I worry that I didn't pack enough and that I will run out of clothes to keep me warm or look nice in then I worry that the luggage will be overweight and I wouldn't have space to put stuff I bought there when I come back.

I hate it ><

Plus the fact that this is the first time I travel so far alone for so long in winter. Okay. *breathes in deep*

I have referred to this traveller which helps quite a lot in packing and dealing with stress. So...

Dory, pack as well as you can! Pack light! There's family there if anything is lacking! Enjoy yourself! :)

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