Tuesday 17 July 2012


My paper progressing... slowly. >< I am not sure if it is a good thing or not. But I have been making sure that it IS progressing! Chapter 1 nearly done! Sadly there's 2 more chapters :( Sigh, I need to move faster!

Other than that, heading to Australia for 3 weeks really soon! COMING SATURDAY! (Which sometimes sends off the panic alarm concerning the above. Not fun.) Haven't had time to properly sit down and explore the options of what to do there. 3 weeks there! I think I'll put my documents for my paper in my hard disk which I will be bringing there to get movies from my bro. Perhaps on days when everyone else is busy I can find a computer and make more progress as well. Will save my stuff on pendrive. I won't bring my research book tho. Crazy to waste luggage weight there =.= I can utilize my bro's uni's library :) Internet will come in very handy ;)

Been dreaming quite an amount lately. Jotting them down. Will try to see what they mean. Just now I Googled dream dictionary, preferring a Christian one. But what I found on the top of the list are quite disturbing, their interpretation. All the interpretations are negative, foretelling negative outcomes which was really weird. Then I found the one I checked before on someone else's dream - dreammoods.com. This one always sounded quite sound. But still, dreams are a bit tricky to interpret. Have to ask God to teach more.

As for my exercise regime... hehehehe... Haven't quite progressed (or had any progress at all) after that jog. Need to work on that. The challenge posed is the timing. Normally I would opt to exercise at 5pm when it is not too hot in the evening here. Problem is, my dad finishes work at 5 and will reach home at around 5+ so he will have dinner then with my mom. So if I go to exercise at 5, I will join them for dinner late which is a bit, weird because we would normally try to have our lunch and dinner together. Other than that, lately the weather hasn't been to great to go out to exercise. Perhaps I should start on the regime based on the manual Paulie shared that I can do indoors so I can do it like at 4.30pm. Hmm... shall try.

Other than that, I am trying to tune my sleeping clock a bit earlier. Forced myself to wake up at 8.30+ and got ready at 9am to go out to do my visa. Got too tired so had a power nap in the afternoon but it seems to be working as now, 1.39am, I feel quite tired. Will be off to bed now! Nites!

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