Monday 27 August 2012

Madman Alert!

You know, lately there's these interesting stuff going on with my social network tools. A month ago while I was in Australia, I found this stranger, Henry Desmond, trying to add me on FB and messaged me saying that he finds my photo cute and would like to know me. I randomly replied frankly like this: "well i am a very frank person so I shall say that I will not add you as a friend yet until I know you better to make sure that you are not up to any hanky panky business."

I was really surprised when the account replied with a long reply with some information about himself.
My name is Henry Desmond. I am from Dublin Ireland .I am a Marine Engineer.I work with a Shipping Line here in the United Kingdom. I was married before, but lost my wife after long battle witn cancer.May her soul rest in peace. I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who is friendly, honest, caring, and trustworthy and God fearing. I find very much peace and tranquility here.
    I am real easy person to talk to and a loving and outgoing person.I enjoy playing sax which i do often at my leisure time. I like going to the movies, or watching movies in my room or Cabin, I like swimming, listening to music and dance to any kind of music, I sing, sailing, going bowling and also a good cook. I am a family oriented person, love children and there is more, but it would be better for you to find some things out for yourself.
    It is very important for me to build a life of stability, security, and opportunity for the special person I hope to share my thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams and fantasies with, and to offer the best opportunities for any kid that might be included in my life,both mine and that special person children, and that is my focus at this time and I also do enjoy my job though risky because we are always on the high sea.
    I am really interested in wanting to know about what makes you the special person you are today, I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me.I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced.
   This friendship I want to build with you will be filled with substance, quality, spirituality, love, faithfulness and potential. Hope to hear from you soon.give me your email id here
 Warm hug
Henry Desmond
Which, to me, it sounded quite alright except for few prominent points which do sound rather... questionable.  It sounds weird to be saying and promising "as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced." and then asking for my email id. I replied, giving very very non-specific and minor info about myself like a few of my likes and being a student and a short line of what I want in a guy and then asking him why he would sought this means to find a potential mate, how old is he, what is dearest to his heart (he asked so i asked back) and so on.

The following reply came which is totally questionable, being overly friendly or in WikiHow termed "amorous" - desperately assuring how much appreciation he has and etc etc and then giving his number which is +447624164828 (I don't mind if anyone can use some kinda phone to call the number up and hear what kinda voice is on the other end) and asking me to send him some of my pics and my contact number  so that he can call me because he said he's sailing for a month and would love to hear my voice (vomits).

Then I directly replied shooting and questioning me and directly voiced my doubts, addressing his overfriendliness and so on. But his replies came totally more and more amorous, not replying my questions and not responding like a normal person would. It's like, after my reply with the direct questioning, he replied an amorous one as if he wasn't listening, then I just replied with a one line question, then he replied a looooooong amorous reply which is this most recent one. (His reply came about a month later after the one he requested for my number which connects with what he was saying but still, so so so questionable.) It's like he is not a sane person.

my heart is calling out for you. Being miles apart from you is like salt dripping on an open wound. I never thought I could love someone so much as I love and think much of you......even though we are far apart. My heart seems to grow fonder of you with every seconds..... of this great distance that separates us. I know that some decisions are hard to make, but when affection and love prevail over any other interests, then all the roads to happiness become wide open and danger free. First of all, I would like to make sure you know that I love you very much even though we have not met each other and that you are the most wanted and the most desired person than anyone could possibly be.
     I also need you to know that there`s nothing more beautiful in the world than what is happening between us right now; I feel we are growing closer and getting along really well. I feel we are becoming more intimate in every sense, and that`s the most gratifying thing two human beings could wish for. That is why I need to remind you even if that takes a simple e-mail, that you don`t have to be afraid on anything, as close and united partners. Distance, like you may have known, doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out. Distance is the key to love's eternity and love knows not distance, it hath no continent, its eyes are for the stars. Even if you are far away, you are always close to my heart. It's good that we are far away because we learn the patient to wait for each other and cherish our love. I long for the day I'll dream of your love no more, when your lips will caress mine for real, when your touch will make me alive again and the sight of you arouses all my senses. Though the miles may spread out far and wide, and time may wear our faith too thin, I know that the golden bond of love shall keep us close at heart.
     However far away, I will always love you. However long I stay, I will always love you. Whatever words I say, I will always love you. Even if it takes eternity, I will always love you. Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a great reminder of just how strong true love can be. You are my shinning star.
    Ever since I read your email, I have been thinking with affection of the moment we will see each other, and satiate all this desire that has taken over us in such an intense but wonderful way.
    Having a dream about you yesterday night has never happened to me before, i had a dream that i was holding you ,kissing you ,just as we where romancing i woke up to see myself kissing my pillow, oh my God what is this ,i wish i had a dream of me holding my pillow and wake up kissing you that would have been wonderful.
    My baby,Have a wonderful day ahead and may God bless you and keep you. May His light be always with thee. May He keep you safe from harm, and shield you and your family from all wrong. May He grant you His peace. May He guide you on your way. Bring you joy with each new day.
    Hug and Kisses
Alarms full blaring yet? Totally. Madman alert!

I was going to start ignoring him when lately out of the blue at 26/8/12, 12.48am last night, a weird number started sending me messages. It is +601119474509. And again, I don't mind you calling the number and harassing it. LOL. But don't use your personal phone or worse still, your house phone!

First message sent was "Aq syg mg!" (which is "aku sayang meng" = I love you) then after 1 minute, "Sori saloh ato" (Sorry salah hantar = sorry I sent wrongly) then at 26/8/12, 6.25am "Hmmm..." Then just now 27/8/12, 12.27am "Good night....!" and then after a few seconds, "sori saloh ato.." (sorry sent wrongly)

Throughout these, I never replied once. It just kept coming. It looks like the typical Malay short form but more to Kelantanese/Terengganuian kinda accent.

Then a brilliant idea came to mind. Since that Henry Desmond wanted to call me so much, wanting my number, and since there's this weird person kept texting me (sent a text wrongly once then apologizing is alright, why the random ones and another time of mistake?), why not give him that weird number to let him harass?

So I just replied him: "How has Australia been treating you? Would love to hear your voice. When you call, I might sound weird, talking weird English but that's how I get when I am nervous and shy. Forgive me but do keep calling me. Although I might sound weird, I do really want to hear your voice. Call me +601119474509"

Let's see what happens next ;) And after that I will block that person from FB. I wish our phones has this blocking system as well. Will update you guys if anything happens. xD


Unknown said...

the guy copied and pasted from here @@

Ms. Dee said...

Oh my.. so far those two haven't been contacting me (I mean the guy and the unknown number) hohoho. Now I shall proceed to report that facebook account!