Monday 3 September 2012

Imma wasting time :(

It gets pretty frustrating when plans suddenly get disrupted. One or two is fine. I mean those out of my control. But those that I see that are kinda in my control, yeah that gets me ticked off. And more so when people just FFK. Really hate that.

Kinda bummed now. Wanted to make my book bag for the coming semester but didn't have the things that I need to make it. I wanted something that would look okay - I will use it and not get too self-awared about it, and it needs to be comfortable so that I can carry my books and also convenient to carry it and also large enough to fit all my things. Had a design in mind but didn't have all the things I need to make it. Then consider changing styles so that I can start off the project but still, didn't have the cloth to make the lining. It's like, *ding!* then thought about the lining then @*#&^@&#$@*$^&#$^% =.=

So, now I'm kinda stuck, like, dunno what else to do. And being unproductive for so long, the urge to do something productive is eating me up inside. *cries* To the point, I can stick myself to the sofa watching TV or movies or even bake something.

I am wasting time *cries*. Gonna fast Facebook SOON. Scrolling on FB must be absolutely banned or limited to 15 minutes, max 30 minutes!

Gonna hunt for cloth for lining in the house. Cos no one is accompanying me to go buy cloth :(

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