Wednesday 8 August 2012

Dear Mr.

Seeing how you treated your wife made me very heated up. You shut her up, you never take time to talk to her to acknowledge her thoughts, her opinions and most importantly, her feelings. Do you know how much emotions she had to bottle up? Much more when society pushed strongly the notion that women must submit to their husbands? Shutting her up by throwing, "Don't talk to me." into her face when she just wants to attend something totally harmless is really NOT the way to treat any human being. She has been cooped up at home for so long, cleaning and scrubbing, cooking and washing and all you do when you come home is shut her up, load all your emotional thrash at her without listening to her and sit there and watch tv.

Do you know that the way you treat your wife caused your children to treat her the same way? All of you treat her like she is stupid and worthless and doesn't make any sense. It is totally not fair at all. What is worst is you, Mr. not standing by her side, causing her to not have any support at all from anyone in her family. And she just continues to slave on with her wife-ly duties without any complaining.

And to all men out there, if I ever met any one of you, I will never marry you and would strongly encourage the women around me to not marry you and when I have daughters, I will strongly forbid them to marry you nor date you. If you can't treat a woman right, you don't deserve one.

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