Wednesday 6 June 2012


Warrior, fight! Keep your shield high and your eyes at the enemy! Don't loose focus!

You know, I wish I have the voice of the lion. When he roars, it resounds throughout the area and you can feel the land shake. So whenever I type RAWR!!!! I see myself a lion roaring. Like this. Turn up your volume when you listen to this.

Yes, that's the effect! But if you ever stand in the presence of a tiger or a lion at the zoo and he decides to let out a roar, Woah that is the epic one!

I was tweeting about an aspect of warring. One aspect of warring is in the area of studies. Like I mentioned in my previous posts, I had to war to complete that assignment that wasn't easy. I had to war to persist and not give up, war to keep to it and not run away and not give in to temptations like games and so on. Like now, I feel the need too to war to study. Silence is too distracting and having warring songs which are fast and keeps me going is very VERY helpful. 

When we study, we war against despair, temptations, distractions, fatigue and hopelessness. We war to finish and do well. 

I believe that even in studies, when we war we not only war against our own flesh but against principalities of the air. We war to clear the atmosphere, to clear our minds, to focus. 

I would normally start by asking God to grant me divine tuition, great retentive memory and supernatural wisdom and ability to understand all that I am revising fast. Yes, fast. Then I thank God that I received all that to do exceedingly well. A lot of times I will also ask the Holy Spirit to breathe into my notes, into the words so that when I read them the knowledge will come alive and be imparted deeply into me. Then as I study, it depends. Sometimes I will have fast music to my ears, lately a lot of war and worship music that is fast especially when I feel rather distracted. It depends. Sometimes it gets pretty hard to persist in studying. There are lots of factors like physical, mental and spiritual. So depends. But yeah, need to war to persist and study well. Oh ya, I also ask the HS to guide me to focus on the parts of notes that will come out in my exam. A lot of times He did. So have to listen and flow with Him. But normally I will push to keep revising. But still it depends. 

So, back to the west, time to war and fight. Like a friend who put as his status in FB adapting from the Avengers, Hulk smash that exam! 

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