Saturday 9 June 2012

Le Poet :)

You know, I am aware that I hardly show my appreciation properly to people. I admit that to a point, I am a cheapskate. I am working on being more generous and still learning of how to be generous in small ways. Do you know that it is hard to do so and it takes wits to do so? Unless you grow up with the culture of being generous. I didn't and we hardly eat out with people so I don't get much of that. Even when my family eats out during vacations, it would be ourselves where we pay our own or with relatives that we stay with which they would sneakily pay for us so that we wouldn't have the opportunity to pay for them.

I have learnt to accept gifts and kindness and treats. I am learning to give. There are occasional times where I am touched to give, in big ways like buying a book or a bible for people. But it is rare and it only happened like... less than five times in my lifetime. I think. I've only made cards for people, oh and I made notebooks/diaries for people and that was only one. Most common are cards. Sometimes when I have time I made crochet handphone pouches or finger puppet. Mostly handmade stuff. Hardly bought stuff.

And I don't really remember birthdays. I need a handy reminder. I don't mean to forget. But it happens.

The most I'd do is send wishes and blessings and most of all words of encouragement and appreciation. Perhaps a poem if I have time.

So Le Poet,  here's a tribute to you. SEND ME YOUR HOUSE ADDRESS so that I can sneak a card down to Singapore next time! xD Nothing big but just a card if you'd allow :)

Somehow I don't remember wishing you for your birthdays. I shall start to remember now - June 8 or 9 ah? Mind you I can only remember a few key people's birthday (and weirdly that old friend's too that I got angry and never went back and reconciled.)

I only remembered writing a tribute to you when I was nostalgic about what we've been through. Haha. But yeah. Will do one now because me wants to!

You know, I haven't found a proper name of what kind of friends we are so I just normally say that you are my good blog buddy. Haha. We did evolved ever since our first meet up in person. Which was really funny to recall. Hahahahahaha. With you suddenly jumping into my call and all the NZ accent and me getting really silent and freaking out but still drove on anyway. Hahahahahaha. Epic.

In a way, remembering myself explaining a kind of friendship that one has, to another friend, that brings new and different/foreign experiences and perhaps point of view, I told her about this friendship. And perhaps this is one of that kind. I don't know what I have contributed to you and whether your investment into me was anything. Selfish as it seemed I did get a lot from you. Your time, company, chats, point of view, advice be it about boys, health, even spiritually at some point, encouragement and inspiration, not to mention the treats that you give whenever we met.

You know, treats, money-wise is the hardest for me to return as a favor, to show mutual appreciation. I do have my conscience to feel bad about that.

Le Poet, I am forever grateful for precious moments where you were just there when I needed someone to talk to, when I have those crap to unload, when I just needed the presence of someone to encourage me to pull through. I believe that you do see how I have changed from the first time we correspond to the me today and I would say that you did play a role in it no matter how big or small it is.

Forever grateful to you for introducing me to blogging. If purely on, it has been 6 years. If I don't remember wrong, my old blog profile (which somehow isn't viewable because I think I put it as not available to public) states that I am a user since 2006.

Crazy bloggers we were. I wonder if you still earn from your blog. Quite nice tho. I don't think I am that kind of entertainer-writer and my topics are either about myself or my thoughts which are generally not so light to read. But your stories, always so intriguing.

I think, it was from my blogging that improved my writing. To this day I am amazed at... not to laugh at others or despise them, but I was surprised that others did not do so well in writing especially the ones in my course.

So, thank you Le Poet. For everything. And Happy Birthday :) May God bless you and prosper you in all aspects of your life. :)

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