Wednesday 20 June 2012


The worst thing about studying for exam is not knowing what to study. It's not about not knowing where to start or which part of the stuff that will come out but having NOTHING to study because the lecturer basically comes into the class or didn't even come into the class and did last minute prepared activities or simply do something in class.

I shall write about tomorrow's paper's lecturer. Hohoho.

She did all the above. She didn't want to give us her slides. She was super reluctant to give notes for final exam. She cried in class because there were people in the faculty questioning her work. She lost student's work and din even bother to tell them that it is lost and plans on giving them zero marks. She cancels class as she pleases and we don't care much because we have so much else to deal with and she doesn't teach anything anyway so it was like a break.

So tomorrow there's test and she's dead serious about it. But she doesn't share her slides.

What is this? =.=

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