Wednesday 20 June 2012

lasto paipo on fulaidei!

Today's paper turned out to be quite okay I think. MUCH better than yesterday's. LAST PAPER ON FRIDAY! Tonight I'm gonna make some changes for my draft for my proposal and off the bed early! Somehow even though I've been having enough hours of sleep I still feel very tired. The only difference is it is exam season and I sleep from 2am to 10am. And I still feel tired. Weird. Unless the body strictly requires sleep from proper night to morning.

So far there's nothing interesting. Even if there's anything interesting it is too personal to be shared here. Hohohoho.

Other than being bored is being very fed up with studying and working and not having fun. This coming weekend will be an intense shopping and running about KL session. Hohohoho. Not so intense lah but I'm going out la right after Friday's paper and on Sat and on Sunday. Hohohoho.

Grr... tired. And it's only 10:08PM =.=

Okay I shall go do my proposal and go sleep early. Buh byes.

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