Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy new year!

Hello! I know I have been really absent here so here's a ridiculous picture of me. Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha xD

2014 has been a good year, one that hasn't been easy with tough decisions to make and black faces to face but I made it! *cheers! *

Things that I've done this year which were huge:
1. Spent every penny in my bank account.
2. Went to the other side of the world and fell in love with Texas.
3. Stepped foot in places I've only dreamt of -  yeah stepped foot on London and Paris but didn't get to explore. There's next time!
4. My identity developed a huge bit and I believed I've grown much compared to previously.
5. Found my love for pop corns and burgers <3 Healthy loves are salmon *squeals* but they're expensive *cries*
6. Know who my true friends are
7. Made a big decision to forfeit the government job posting (which causes much gasps and whispered disdain from pro-gov-job-people)
8. I've become more open, more at ease and less uptight -  still more to go. Do you know I can randomly chat with the staff in the store? I didn't know until I went on a solo trip to KL end of November which makes the 9th point..
9. Went on some sort of a solo trip to KL - there's pros and cons to it *shrugs*
10. Developed much in my giftings

What I really want to achieve in 2015 is:
1. Loose 15kgs. I shall delve deep to muster determination to do so. I want to look good and be healthy.
2. Develop more discipline to do things I should do -  spiritually and naturally
3. Clean my room
4. Work hard in my job -  Give this job one more chance. If things continue not to look good in providing a future for development for me, I have to consider a switch.
5. Make my English teaching resources bank.

Five big things I want. It has small small parts to it. Ultimately I want this year to be another good year where I develop and change to be better, more prepared for the years to come and do all that's necessary for me to be propelled to my future.

Once or twice I wondered, where does a relationship fit it? This, I don't think I can plan for it because it's not like I'll go hunting with a gun for a guy so if it happens I believe things will be flexible to change and fit that it. I'm leaving it all to God. I'll still make friends and be friendly to guys around me of course. Not like I'm not going to do anything. I don't want to be like one of those girls who are like so desperate to get married. :) Fair, right? ;)

And to you all who visits whenever I have an update or who happens to visit, have a great year ahead! May the odds be with you, may you have favor and prosper in all that you do. May you have determination and miraculous assistance in achieving all that you desire and may good things happen to you in the year ahead! Have a good and prosperous 2015! XOXO

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