Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Being Practical?

You know, as a person with the personality of a Melancholy, I know that abyss of analysis that I don't want to be in. It's what they will call maybe "Analysis paralysis." or just talking and analyzing about something that I know has no end because I do not have a solution nor any way in which I can cause a change to whatever we are fussing over about. Perhaps that is when my choleric side come in and kick me out of it. 

Honestly I really can't take it. Analyze, talk, discuss about something so much but not having a solution nor anything that could cause anything to move. That's just wasting my time, energy and emotions. Worst still is when it is super negative. Then I would have the image of myself in a cloud of poisonous, green gas. 

I used to dwell in there but it has been awhile and I hate being in that dark cloud of negativity and over-analysis and not seeing anything practical or beneficial out of that talking. Whenever I sense myself heading in that direction, I just snap myself out of it and move on to other things. 

Perhaps I live by this prayer that I used to read from a pewter plate:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Things concerning others, I wish they would change but now I know it is the other party's own concern and choice and I can't shove things down their throats so I'll let it be and pray that they will see the light. 

Anyways, I don't quite feel alright today. Not too sure why. See you around..

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