Monday, 1 April 2013

Dora the Explorer

Walking out of Starbucks, finding my way to the malls. A little fear creeps in the corner trying to jump at me but I trod on harder, past the rows of shows, a group of foreigners and onto what seems like the hotel attached to the mall. Stopped for a little while, asked for directions and off I go again. I was looking for a Digi outlet for one of the deals.

Walking fast, as fast as my legs would carry me, past the promoters, the irrelevant shops, zooming past slow moving couples, through crowds and people who move like forever. It felt good to be walking in the mall alone. It felt really good. Enjoying the smells, the songs and some of the sights; walking on my own pace even though sometimes it is under the hot sun and my sweat soaked through my shirt. If it gets too hot or I want a drink, I will just stop and get a drink at a place I saw and liked. Me and my own thoughts zooming through the malls by ourselves and somehow a sense of release happens like all the worries and nagging thoughts just get washed away by the waves of sights, smells and sounds that comes like the wind that flows through my hair as I trod fast past people, past shops.

At another thought it may just seems strange that I like being on my own running through malls. Just a few minutes of that is thoroughly satisfying. It feels like going for a jog, away from people, running, briskly walking away from all that troubles and all I have in my mind is where to go and what to do and what to look for or what to see. And it's not just in malls, ever since that conflict with that housemate, I have had to be alone to look for meals and on one desperate Sunday I ventured out alone (although not too far) to the area near my school to have a meal and I thoroughly liked it.

Perhaps I'll really enjoy backpacking alone to somewhere someday. Having friends to take around is fun as well but I also enjoy venturing alone, exploring places as I like. I was craving for that in Krabi/Aonang but I was afraid of the danger of being alone as a girl so I didn't go out venturing alone.

God, send me someone who'll explore and venture places like how me and my dad like to do. Not one that prefers to coop up at home all the time!

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