Thursday 28 June 2012

Family + Scheduling

I forgot if I have mentioned that I AM HAVING MY HOLIDAYS RIGHT NOW! XD Hahahahaha :D

I am happy! Even more so after I get to hang out with people of the same spirit. If you understand, you understand. To try to explain, it's like meeting with like-minded people that the spirit within you can resonate with the other one. It is a warm feeling like, YES FAMILY! And there is family resemblance in the spirit and it does feel good! :D Same things to talk about, getting excited about the same things! I think this is how awesome when war comes foremost then only family. Awesomeness.

It is even more awesome to see them shifted ones standing firm and sort of defending what is right and not giving in. Total awesomeness. :D I am glad I went out after all! This is because I thought that they would want some others to join which I don't fancy hanging out together much because they are not on the same track and... nothing in common for me to connect with. So I am glad :)

Me bro tweeted his excitement of me going there to see him in 3 weeks. That made me jump in nervousness rather than excitement for a moment because I know I have my research to do and not just having fun all the time! I did thought about continuing my work today but haven't gotten about to do so. Maybe I should bring my laptop downstairs to do because I hardly do much in the day time if I don't go out and if I do it in my room it would appear that I am disconnected with my family at home >< So yeah, to bring downstairs and start doing. Otherwise, I have been enjoying the free time doing nothing much. For now. But I did a bit of reading here and there (found those great books on intercession that I know I must read) and today did a bit of crafting (half finished weird kite I got from Daiso and a dish cloth.. gonna finish tmr) so I should chip in a bit of  FYP and reading in the coming days. Would be awesome to finish the proposal soon. Perhaps that can be my next week's target.

Thus the next point I want to say, I think I should come up with a weekly schedule to keep track of my holidays so that I don't waste them >< I am not a schedule-freak-melancholy but I use schedules to keep track of time and my work. It is for organization ;)

So, tomorrow I need to make a schedule. Got some agendas lined up tomorrow. If I don't take hold of time and put things in them but wait around to be filled by people (most of the time my parents >< who kinda expects me to just lay around waiting for them =.= to suddenly pop plans into my schedule) my time will get wasted and things not done. So, time to take hold of my time and use it wisely.

I should post up pictures. It has been a while :) I personally think that pictures in posts are nice and interesting rather than a page of words all the time! So yeah, breakfast appointment with old friend tomorrow morning! First agenda of the day! :D

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