Wednesday 14 March 2012


Hello. It is 1:16AM now. Why still up? You ask. Doing slides, preparing for presentation tomorrow. One full load heck of a day tomorrow. Classes start at 8am, continuing with short breaks in between until a full stretch of classes until 9pm. Gonna pack like I'm going for a camp tomorrow.

To update about happenings of the past few days, I was sick. Had high fever suddenly and shivering hard that I panicked, went to clinic then hospital in the middle of the night. Fever went up to 38.7 Celsius. Some kind of stomach flu. So my metabolism is in some sort of reset now. Eating much much less than last time. Can't even finish a full McD meal. Avoiding curries and spices nowadays. Had MC for Monday but didn't use it because... classes are important. I woke up well so I can go classes. I didn't drag myself to classes. I pray that I won't tomorrow.

Okies gotta go back to slides. One hard to digest subject - Curriculum Development. *wipes imaginary sweats off brow*

Dory, quickly finish so that can have more rest for tomorrow, yea? :) Almost done!

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