Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Eat the Enemy as Bread! MUAH!

Ever since the last post which felt like a long long time ago, things have taken a turn like floating on the water and now having the right side up again. Things can change pretty quickly around here, not in terms of Melka but in my life.

Undeniably God was pretty awesome. I was doing my daily declarations when He led me to repeat several times the part that is very crucial for my well being and then the next day, the much awaited reply came from me spiritual mom which confirmed the issue which was pretty mind blowing for both of us. And again I am reminded of how Abba so so so so loves me that He personally is helping me and leading me to the way out AND with confirmations from people like my spiritual parents. And just like that, after several more rounds of declarations of His Word concerning the issue and the feelings of disconnectedness and abandonment and discouragement become stepping stones for me to stand taller, stand firmer on my ground.

Taking my ground in class and students are more controllable now although I still end up having an overused voice box after every class. Devising good and workable lessons - that is another thing. But so far a system seems to be established so lesson planning is not so daunting like how it used to be. PLUS lately after all that, ideas keep swimming in my head at different times of the day like a pool bobbling in my head. For example, favourite topics that will definitely make my form 4 class stay focused will be - body building! Miahahahaha... now to find a suitable article that can be brought into class.

Parents coming over this weekend. Observations from lecturers are coming real soon as the weeks left before mid semester exams are only 2 excluding this week and soon I'll be out of the school! It's gonna be fast, speeding towards the finishing line!

So, yeah. :)

Sorry it has all been about school. I'll try to find interesting stuff that happens in school to share about :)

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