Tuesday 3 July 2012

To Condemn

I was going to type something on Twitter when I question myself what the word "condemn" really means. To think of it, I am not really sure except it is perhaps passing judgment on someone. So I Googled it up.

The meaning came and it was so.. humbling.

  1. Express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure.
  2. Sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, esp. death: "the rebels had been condemned to death".

To condemn can actually happen just by expressing complete disapproval typically in public. For me it struck me most that just by expressing complete disapproval, I am actually condemning someone.

Prior to this, my impression of the act of condemning is that it is such a heavy thing, such a big thing. It's like stoning someone. And now to find out that just by expressing complete disapproval I am actually throwing a stone at someone! It is completely horrendous.

Actually it is quite true. Change a perspective. How would I feel if someone so much as looked at me disapprovingly? How much more would I feel if someone would dare to express verbally their disapproval towards me?

Quite unbearable like someone throwing a stone at me.


Quite humbling as the Holy Spirit reveals all these. I shall depart and go now, not to Innisfree but to humble myself before Him.

I am not perfect
So does she and he.
I have no right
To condemn her or him.

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