Wednesday 16 May 2012

You know, when working hard on and on, at some point, I will just turn off and cannot do anything else that requires the brain to function. But still I guess if I push, I can go on. I won't crash and burn. Crashing and burning IS crashing and burning. No I did not crash and burn. Just temporary shutting off almost like in the Sims game where the entertainment need is turning red and requires refilling.

2 microteachings done. 2 more to go. God I pray that you'll arrange them so that I can do them in time before I go home soon! 1 more painful lesson plan to do, 1 research stuff have to keep doing basically 2 research proposals that needs to be done just that 1 is due soon. It is the painful one with lousy group mates that I cannot trust. I am hoping we can finish it before I go back. I need a miracle and supernatural powers to do it.

Besides that, small assignments here and there... lecturers with an attitude and so on.

Maybe tomorrow will go for a run. Tonight, rest well. But then, I wonder if after running I will get even more tired. Aish.

I did noticed that I have been putting up FB statuses more. Ah. >< And unless I rant, I have nothing to say here. Unless I am inspired to write a poem (which would mostly be about something close to home) or a narrative of something, again close to home.

So anyways, hopefully I have something interesting to write about in my next write up if I have the time.

To think I have Macbeth to read and blog about my reading process and process of discovering Macbeth IN THE MIDST of all the great big assignments. Sigh.

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