Friday 24 February 2012

Piktar updates!

Matcha Ice Cream that I made!
So happy!
I made this at home last week of course. Not here. Although a tad bit too sweet but it is amazing :)

Besides having classes, I have had activities at nights and I have been going out a lot of days. Feast your eyes upon ze beautiesssss... lol. Excuse me for my excessive dramatization. I have been random lately :)

CNY gathering with college's Chinese.
We did "lau sang" or some others called it Yu Shen.
Then we lighted two kongming lantern.
It was pretty fun and exciting for me as it was my first time playing with kong ming deng! I have always want to light one! And it was like in tangled except that we only had two flying into the sky. We watched it until it disappeared from our sight! 8D

I also went to Masjid Jamek on Tuesday right after we knew our afternoon classes are cancelled to get our books. And my dear friend brought me to her most favourite mamak stall in Masjid Jamek.
We had awesome teh tarik and teh tarik halia.

I also get to taste, first time, roti canai banjir with telor mata. Basically it is roti canai drowned in chick pea curry sauce with a sunny side up egg. I LOVED IT! I have always loved the sauce and the fact that it is drowned in the sauce makes me squeal in delight and having a wide wide smile on my face eating it because everytime the dish of sauce accompanying regular roti canai's is just too little for me. Especially the ones back home which is like, only two table spoons of sauce which is... sad. So, this is AWESOME!

My friend had nasi lemak and I get to taste a bit. It is also very nice. And we had these food in a mamak shop that is very "warung" a new word I learnt which is... oh noes I forgot what it meant. Something like traditional, old, road side, rugged. According to wikipedia it is "a type of small family owned business." I love the setting! Like in the picture above, the sight of mountains of mountains on the tables (those are nasi lemaks btw), the mamaks cooking pots of different curry, working people taking breaks there drinking their teh tarik... it is beautiful.

The nasi briyani is totally totally awesome and worth it. It is packed full of goodness, richness, sinfulness and eating it, I feel that it is like, packed full of love. We tapau it back to college to have them for dinner, 2 packets for two persons costing RM9 per pack. The plastic bag came, huge as if for a whole family of 5. When we opened it up at night, the portions were huge. Although it is mentioned that it is for two, they packed different curries, different sauces as if it was packed for me. For me to taste the different sauces, the different curries, the different chicken. Somehow I feel that it is so tenderly and carefully packed with love and I feel so loved. :) Definitely a place to go again and to bring my family to when the come for vacation. <3

So it had been fun while busy this week. Need to balance my time well to finish what I need to, and finish them extremely well and having good fun as well! (And also watch my budget!)

Working on it. There are other things happening. To me that I am also quite surprised. Scared. A little worried. A little excited as well. No I am not pregnant! =.= Quite preposterous to think that but yes on second thought it sounds like it but NO IT IS NOT THAT! It concerns my personality, myself. Still watching and observing. But I have been really happy lately. Cheeky. Having lots of laughs and fun! Never been so carefree and fun before especially for that long a time. A whole week! We'll see more in the days to come, shall we?

Perhaps my heart is open, my shell is gone, I am myself, I enjoy myself, I love myself, God's love is deeply rooted in my and I am sure, steady, secure.
If this is that, I am loving it, looking forward for more of it! God is good, forever so good.

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